Sometimes it seems that no matter how careful we are, we still run out of money before we run out of month. We have to pay our bills and eat, which takes a lot of money! Wouldn’t it be awesome
WHAT TO BUY – Your Shopping Tips for March

Sometimes it seems that no matter how careful we are, we still run out of money before we run out of month. We have to pay our bills and eat, which takes a lot of money! Wouldn’t it be awesome
TOP PINNED POSTS FROM 2015 Not too many people are surprised to find out that I am a Seattle Seahawks fan. Our oldest son was born in the same year as the Seahawks, and we’ve been fansĀ (especially him) ever
With so many people needing to control carbs, there’s no need to miss out on your super bowl party, or any other party. Here’s a menu that has lots of football party choices, AND all with very low carb counts.